Saturday, November 7, 2009

True North Climbing to Host Pan Am Games Events in 2015!

As part of Toronto's winning bid for the 2015 Pan-Am Games, True North Climbing is excited to have been chosen as the host of the following climbing events:
  • Men's Bouldering
  • Women's Bouldering
  • Men's Speed Climbing
  • Women's Speed Climbing
  • Women's Synchronized Dynos
These events will take place over 10 days of competition in late July 2015. Construction will take place in 2014 to raise the roof of the building to enable the climbing structures to meet the Pan Am standard of 30m of climbing height. Our youth climbing programme will be tailored to help develop young athletes and prepare them for these games. Climbers from across Canada are expected to train at True North Climbing during the year leading up to the events.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper remarked: "While the CSIS will not allow me to comment on specifics, I have seen the plans for True North Climbing's new facility, and they are truly impressive".

[Hey, I can dream, can't I?]

1 comment:

  1. I almost got a bunch of folks with this one, and more surprising, I really did fool a few people into believing we were actually going to host Pan Am Games events. And it wasn't even April Fool's Day!
