Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Good Start

Yesterday's competition was a blast. We had 218 competitors, and the energy in the place was buzzing all day. Thanks to Luigi for staging a great comp, to the setting crew of Jody Miall, Kellan, Dustin, Stephen and Luigi for setting a great slate of problems, and to all our sponsors for providing a great array of prizes, and contributing to a large cash prize pool for the Open category winners. Laura from the Toronto School of Circus Arts (among our very cool neighbours at the Downsview Park Sports Centre) blew everyone away with her half time silk performance. I'd go on, but I need to get some breakfast and get ready for another exciting day: our first day open to the public for all kinds of climbing.

Several people asked yesterday whether they could lead climb today, and the answer is: yes, of course! We will be conducting top rope belay tests and lead tests for all who need them. Please be patient as we are expecting a large crowd, and it may be a challenge to keep up with those at first.

Come join us and check out the new gym. A reminder that all annual and continuing monthly EFT memberships come with your choice of a free TNCI T shirt or water bottle, for a limited time only!


  1. John,
    it was a great day and you and your team have done a fantastic job on the gym!

  2. Congratulations John,
    It really was a wonderful competition.


  3. I think you forgot to thank your own staff who were amazing friendly and real troupers working all day as volunteers. You have a good group.

  4. You are absolutely right Eileen. I have thanked my staff personally, but they do deserve the public kudos. I am very pleased with my team, and they all worked hard all weekend to keep up with the flurry of people that came to check out our new gym.
