On the south side, the steel is almost all up, and most of the wood is in places as well. The south bouldering wall went up in just two days: the steel on Thursday, and the wood on Friday!

The change rooms are almost ready for their finishing touches. Light fixtures are up and the wiring & switches will soon be completed. The tile (both the ceramic tile in the shower area and the vinyl composite tile in the rest of the change rooms) should go down in the next few days, after which the lockers & plumbing fixtures should go in quickly.
Next week I will be in Vancouver, catching a few Olympic events. I'm going to miss the start of the stalactite, as the Eldo crew puts up the large steel columns that form its backbone, and then build the shell in two pieces on the ground before hoisting them up and welding them in place. And the freestanding boulder should arrive while I'm gone as well.
As usual, there are additional recent photos in our Picasa Construction album.
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