In the meantime, I've posted a few shots of the freshly-painted space, to show how a coat of white paint brightens the joint up. Check out the most recent 4 images in The Building folder in our Picasa web albums. Here's one of them to give you an idea:

It's also time to launch a new tradition: True North Climbing Around the World. A little while ago I raffled off a True North Climbing T shirt to encourage more people to register for our online forums. The winner was Max Nanao, who happens to live in Grenoble France. He now has his shirt, and what do you suppose he decided to do with it? He went climbing!:

There are now more than 50 True North Climbing T shirts in circulation. Those of you who have one are encouraged to take it with you on your travels. Get a shot of you wearing it and send it in, and we'll add you to the gallery.
And of course, those of you who don't yet have a shirt can still get one for 20 bucks including taxes. Send me an email and we'll figure out the best way to get it to you. Hey, this is our only source of revenue right now!
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