Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Open House: Thursday Sept 10th

We'll be hosting a small open house in the gym next Thursday evening. The main purpose is to let a few friends & family see the raw space before construction begins. In addition to that, Jason Plumb, the wall designer from Eldorado Climbing Walls, will be there to talk briefly about some past projects, so you can get an idea about the kind of work they have done. If we're lucky, there may be a few glimpses of the early design of our climbing walls as well (no promises).

I have no idea how much interest there might be in attending this. It's really just a big ugly building right now. All are welcome, but if you plan to attend, please let me know by Monday, September 7th. I may provide light refreshments, and I'd like to know how many people to expect.

Please let me know by email: info@truenorthclimbing.com

1 comment:

  1. Nice, finally someones going to setup a gym in North Toronto. Look forward to it.
